Seasonal Tips


Most lawn experts agree that the majority of lawn care problems result from not mowing at the proper heights and not keeping mower blades sharpened. It is a proven fact that mowing regularly and at proper heights can prevent weed growth, retain moisture, maintain color, and help reduce disease. Throughout the year, your lawn needs different cutting heights. Keeping your grass at ideal heights will increase your lawn’s density and reduce other problems.


March to mid-April: Mower settings should be set at about 2 inches for the first 2–3 cuttings of the year. The height should gradually increase with temperatures.


April to October: Mower settings should increase with warmer temperatures. Raise mower heights gradually as the temperatures rise. They should be kept at a minimum height of 3 inches. This will help to retain moisture and shade turf roots in the summer.


October to November: Mower settings should be set at about 2 inches. This helps prepare the lawn for dormancy.


Drop your mower setting down to 1-1 ½ inches. This will help control winter kill.

  • Don’t cut more than 1/3 of the grass blades when mowing. Cutting more than 1/3 of the plant will encourage roots to come to the surface for more moisture and will dry out the roots.
  • Always keep your mower blades sharp. A dull blade will chew up and fray grass blades, giving your lawn an ugly, gray appearance. It also makes the plant more susceptible to disease and insect damage.
  • Try not to mow when the lawn is damp. This will damage roots by tearing grass, rather than cutting.
  • Please wait 24 hours after we apply to mow your lawn.
  • Change mowing patterns throughout the season to avoid stress.


Watering is essential to any lawn care program. As the season warms up and we experience summer temperatures, lawns need 1-1 ½ inches of water per week. Infrequent, deep watering is the way to go! The best time to water is in the early morning hours. Watering at this time will help to reduce evaporation and prevent disease.


Spring is a good time to repair damage to your lawn! Make sure to wait until May for the best germination results. Also, your new grass seed needs to be watered daily for 14 days to ensure proper germination. If you do any seeding on your property throughout the year, make sure to call and notify us. Our technicians are usually looking for new seed on the lawns we treat, but the notification is appreciated!

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